Katherine Willis Pershey
minister, author, yoga instructor
christmas pageants
I love writing the kind of Christmas pageants people actually want to use. These scripts have been performed by hundreds of congregations across the world - and across the theological spectrum.
A Mary Carol (2014)​
A Mary Carol unfolds on the night of the Annunciation. Gabriel shows up with big news. Mary is perplexed, and so the angel whisks her off to visit known and loved figures from her past, present, and future. Mary's contagious amazement and understanding deepen with each encounter, until she is ready to say "Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word."
A tribute to A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, A Mary Carol has eight speaking parts (Gabriel, Mary, Isaiah, Joseph, Child Mary, Child Joseph, Angel, and Shepherd). For larger congregations or schools, many more non-speaking parts can be included for the last scene (a traditional nativity). Principal parts (Gabriel, Mary, Isaiah, and Joseph) can be played by adults or youth. Although full production would require memorization, the skit could be staged as a readers' theater. The length is 10-15 minutes, and concludes with a Christmas carol sung by the cast and congregation. It can be a stand-alone production or part of a worship service.
You may preview a partial copy of the script here.
The theological fine print:
The play is an imaginative riff on the story of the Annunciation rooted in fairly orthodox theology. The script will work in diverse faith communities, including those who believe in the virgin birth as well as those who believe the story is symbolic. The script includes quotes from Isaiah interpreted through the lens of the Christian faith (i.e., "For unto us a child is born...").
The legal fine print:
The author must be credited in written materials related to your production. By purchasing this script, you will have permission to make as many copies of the script as you need. You may also adapt the script according to your production needs, but this should be noted accordingly in your bulletin, etc. You may not publish or distribute this script beyond your school or congregation.
In the state of Illinois, purchasing downloads does not constitute the transfer of tangible property, and is therefore not subject to sales tax.
The lowdown:
A Mary Carol is available for purchase as a PDF for $15. You will receive the script via email within 24 hours after I have received your payment from PayPal.

Don't Freak Out (2018)​
While Don't Freak Out follows the traditional story of the annunciation and nativity as it is told in the gospels, this version of the story has a powerful subtext regarding consent - after all, Mary did have a say in her role in the narrative! It's also full of quirky humor and anachronisms, and Joseph has, for reasons unrevealed to the author by her muse, the personality of a stereotypical surfer.
The play runs about 10-12 minutes, and is perfect in the context of an Advent or Christmas family worship service. It can be memorized or performed as a readers theater.
Don't Freak Out can be previewed in full here.
The theological fine print:
The play is an imaginative riff on the story of the Annunciation rooted in fairly orthodox theology. The script will work in diverse faith communities, including those who believe in the virgin birth as well as those who believe the story is symbolic.
The legal fine print:
The author must be credited in written materials related to your production. By purchasing this script, you will have permission to make as many copies of the script as you need. You may also adapt the script according to your production needs, but this should be noted accordingly in your bulletin, etc. You may not publish or distribute this script beyond your school or congregation. In the state of Illinois, purchasing downloads does not constitute the transfer of tangible property, and is therefore not subject to sales tax.
The lowdown:
You will receive the script via email within 24 hours after I have received your payment from PayPal.
Don't Freak Out is available for purchase as a PDF for $15.